Helpful Resources
Mediation Agreement (Desktop) (Mobile)
This document is the Agreement that is signed by the Mediator and the Participants that includes the terms and conditions of the Mediator being engaged by the participants.
Divorce Mediation Topic Outline
This outline identifies the various topics that are typically addressed during divorce mediation.
Divorce Mediation Topic Outline when there are minor children (Desktop) (Mobile)
Divorce Mediation Topic Outline when there are no minor children (Desktop) (Mobile)
Legal Provisions that Apply to Divorce Case
The information presented below is taken from the Illinois Marriage and Dissolution of Marriage Act. It is provided as legal information and is not intended as any kind of legal advice. Where … appears, language has been omitted (the reader can consult the full text of these Laws online for the complete provisions). The highlighting of information is intended to call attention to that information. Any questions related to the applicability of these legal provisions to the specific circumstances of a case should be addressed to a Family Law attorney.
Division of Marital Property (Assets and Debts) (Desktop) (Mobile)
Child Support (Desktop) (Mobile)
Maintenance (Desktop) (Mobile)
Modifications to Child Support and Maintenance (Desktop) (Mobile)
This document is the Agreement that is signed by the Mediator and the Participants that includes the terms and conditions of the Mediator being engaged by the participants.
Divorce Mediation Topic Outline
This outline identifies the various topics that are typically addressed during divorce mediation.
Divorce Mediation Topic Outline when there are minor children (Desktop) (Mobile)
Divorce Mediation Topic Outline when there are no minor children (Desktop) (Mobile)
Legal Provisions that Apply to Divorce Case
The information presented below is taken from the Illinois Marriage and Dissolution of Marriage Act. It is provided as legal information and is not intended as any kind of legal advice. Where … appears, language has been omitted (the reader can consult the full text of these Laws online for the complete provisions). The highlighting of information is intended to call attention to that information. Any questions related to the applicability of these legal provisions to the specific circumstances of a case should be addressed to a Family Law attorney.
Division of Marital Property (Assets and Debts) (Desktop) (Mobile)
Child Support (Desktop) (Mobile)
Maintenance (Desktop) (Mobile)
Modifications to Child Support and Maintenance (Desktop) (Mobile)