Every mediator can tell stories about how mediation has succeeded—when it has resulted in an agreement between the parties.
Of course, mediators are trained to accept the possibility that a case will not resolve through mediation. Sometimes, the fact that the parties in a dispute spoke at all, with the help of a mediator, may help them move closer to an agreement in the future— in a setting other than mediation or perhaps even in front of a judge. In divorce mediation, when spouses are having a hard time coming to agreements—when you are thinking of giving up—my tendency is to ignore that initial training which would suggest that I “let it go.” Why don’t I easily accept letting it go? Because if a divorcing couple cannot come to an agreement in mediation, then the next stop is likely divorce court. And I would like to help you avoid that outcome if at all possible. Over the years, I have worked with countless attorneys and have known many friends, family members and co-workers who have been in court for a divorce. Virtually none of them has a positive story to tell about their court experience. Over the years, I have worked with countless attorneys and have known many friends, family members and co-workers who have been in court for a divorce. Virtually none of them has a positive story to tell about their court experience. Transitioning from mediation to litigation poses significant risks and consequences, all of which impact human lives. Here is a short list of the pitfalls:
These life-altering risks and consequences compel me as a divorce mediator to make a concerted effort, by any means necessary, to keep you in mediation—to protect you and others from the extreme damage of litigation. In a future entry, I’ll discuss possible interventions I use in the mediation process to get a mediation that is threatened by termination back on track to a final settlement.
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